
Antitrust practice in Africa as in most developing jurisdictions is at its infancy. Our competition practice is focused on enhancing capacity building/specialized training of lawyers, business managers, financial institutions, corporations, regulatory agencies and public authorities on the values of antitrust. The global economy has finally embraced the market as the optimal allocator of productive resources and distributor of goods and services produced by the resources.
Major corporations with high market share tend to abuse their market or economic power through the manipulation or control of price and output. Antitrust laws are meant to control the oppressive use of such economic power. The values serve public good, i.e. lower prices of goods and services, higher quality, the freedom of everyone to enter and maintain a trade of their choice, the promotion of economic efficiency and general consumer welfare prescriptions.
Our firm provides advisory services as well as corporate or commercial strategies in fair trade practices as they relate to state aids, merger control, joint ventures, mergers and acquisition clearances, abuse of dominance, discriminatory pricing, sectoral or market investigation or monitoring etc.

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Address: Plot 556-B2, Aina Akingbala Street, Omole Phase 2 Estate Lagos State.
Telephone: ++2348088809555, +2348082222977


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